Premium Structure
We offer a fixed, staged or percentage linked premium for Housing Disrepair and Cavity Wall claims. Policies can be incepted efficiently through our cutting edge online platform with instant documents, which is also fully integrated to ProClaim.
There are many benefits to our Housing Disrepair policies. These include:
- Standard cover of £25,000 for all disbursements and adverse costs.
- Our tried and trusted policy request procedure is extremely straightforward and policies can be requested via our cloud based platform ‘VUE’ which can be integrated into any case management system.
- There are a number of grounds on which a policy can be cancelled which are designed to provide you with reassurance that your client will not need to pay for a policy which is not required.
- Payment of the premium is deferred until the end of the case.
- Our administration and reporting requirements have been kept minimum with a view to drive efficiency.
For more information about our Housing Disrepair policies, training and development around Housing Disrepair, call us and see how we can help.